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Government Organization Improves Reaction Time in Command and Negotiation Room


A government organization needed a more responsive KVM solution for their command and negotiation room. All equipment was hosted inside a smaller room: A rack with multiple systems at the side, multiple monitors, keyboard, and mouse on a conference table, and a smaller video wall. They wanted to develop a seamless process to take control over their multiple video sources.

The organization’s challenge was reaction time. If they noticed an emergency case on the video wall, they had to address the operator to go on the video wall controller and activate (switch) the source to the table. This process is time-consuming in a situation where mere few seconds of delay can lead to a disastrous outcome.


The organization replaced their original setup using the Emerald KVM-over-IP system. The Emerald DESKVUE receiver now connects the local systems through Emerald transmitters and three 4K monitors, keyboard, and mouse on the table. DESKVUE’s fourth video port connects to a large screen on the wall showing all their local systems in any desired multiview layout. If there is now an emergency, operators simply use the console on the table, move the mouse over the window of the target source, and instantly receive control to react to the crisis. Operators quickly drag and drop video wall content to the tabletop monitors without the complex configuration of a video wall controller. The human interface reaction time is instant.


The Emerald DESKVUE provides all the viewing features usually on a video wall also on the conference table. Operators can arrange the source windows in any way on and over the displays including picture-in-picture (PiP), picture-over-picture, and instantly take control with a mouse move, speeding up decision and reaction time. In an emergency, operators can now immediately switch between systems and act fast to mitigate a crisis.

While the Emerald DESKVUE receiver fixed the customer’s pain point providing faster responses, the Emerald KVM-over-IP ecosystem fulfilled all requirements of the organization in terms of security, interoperability between 4K and HD, scalability, and the option for future virtualization.

Because the customer had an urgent need to upgrade their system, they were pleased that Black Box delivered the streamlined system quickly allowing an extremely fast implementation of the new process.

The customer commented, “With DESKVUE, we have all features of a video wall we need on our table and on the wall at the same time, and now with instant control over any system.”